Measurement: District Interview Questions

Tell us about what you do here at _____.

  • Can you tell us about what your day was like today?
  • Can you tell us about what your day was like yesterday?

OSPI is dedicated to growing both the dual language teacher workforce and programming in Washington State, can you tell me about dual language education in your district?

  • In what ways have students been affected by dual language education in your district?
  • What is your student population like?

What strategies have you used to recruit bilingual or ELL endorsed teachers?

  • Can you tell us about a bilingual or ELL endorsed hire in the last year?
  • What subjects do they teach now?
  • Can you speak specifically to what worked well and what the challenges were?
  • Was that teacher ELL endorsed or Bilingual endorsed?
  • Could you describe the applicant pool?
  • Were there a lot of qualified applicants?
  • Where were the teachers that applied from?

What opportunities do you provide teachers who already work in your district to become endorsed as bilingual educators?

  • Can you tell us about a time when a teacher that worked in your district obtained a bilingual endorsement?
  • Have any of your para-educators become certified bilingual teachers?
  • Have you provided a scholarship to a potential educator from your community?

What would you do if you had more resources to develop your bilingual workforce?

  • What else would be helpful?
  • How would this help your student population?
  • If making dual-language programs available to all of your students became required by law, what resources would you need to make that happen?

What’s your assessment of the community’s feelings around the implementation of dual language programs?

  • How did the community communicate to you how they felt?
  • What do you see as challenges in implementing dual language programs?

What have we not asked you that we should have asked?